CancerCare Manitoba Prevention and Screening Resources

We produce a variety of resources to educate patients about cancer prevention and screening and to support educators in the community to educate about cancer prevention and screening.

  • All resources are available for download.
  • Items available for order are listed with a starbelow and can be ordered by clicking the button below labelled click here to order resources

If you have any questions, email [email protected]


Promote cancer screening in your community!

To help promote the importance of cancer screening in your community, we invite you to use the following resources. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us by email at at [email protected]

Compilation - English

CervixCheck - English

BreastCheck - English

ColonCheck - English

CervixCheck - French

ColonCheck - French

ColonCheck - Cree

ColonCheck - Ojibwe

Protect yourself from cancer - English


Messages to Parents

Cervical Cancer Survivor, Winnipeg, age 42 (diagnosed at age 39)
My world was turned upside down when I was only 39 years old and told that I had cancer. I'm currently in remission and want you to know that as a parent of a 10 year old little girl, I would never want to see her suffer the way I did. You have the  opportunity to prevent unnecessary pain and hardship for not only your child, but for your entire family too. Please, don't chance it, vaccinate your child against HPV, it could save his or her life.

Anita, Morden, MB
What I would really love for parents to know is that I lost someone I loved dearly because of cervical cancer. She was someone who was with one partner her entire life, in a committed relationship. Her faith was really important to her. But she still had HPV and because of that she died at the age of 39. Had this vaccine been available to her when she was in grade 6, she would still be here to raise her girls.


Pap Test bookmarks


#5-25 Sherbrook Street

Winnipeg MB, R3C2B1

[email protected]