Your quit date

EN  |  FR

Set a quit date

  • There is no perfect time to quit – pick a date and work towards it.
  • Pick a date within the next 3 weeks. Choose a day in your life that should not have extra stress.
  • Mark the quit date on your calendar and share the date with people in your life.
  • Consider downloading a quit smoking app or use the worksheet at the end of this booklet to identify your:
    • reasons for quitting,
    • barriers to quitting, and
    • triggers for smoking and ways to address those triggers. Triggers are the things that make you want to smoke.
  • If you are having trouble getting started, have a practice day before you commit to your scheduled quit date.
Calendar with a date checked off (c) CancerCare Manitoba

Tips to reduce your smoking

  • Delay your first cigarette of the day by 30–60 minutes.
  • Develop a strict schedule for smoking (for example, no more than one cigarette per hour or one every two hours).
  • Slowly reduce the amount that you smoke each day and limit your smoking to only certain times or locations. For example, only smoke in one room, or even better, make your home smoke free.
  • Start by reducing your daily intake by 25%. To do this, divide the number of cigarettes you smoke each day by 4. This is the number of cigarettes to cut out per day. For example, if you smoke 20 cigarettes per day divided by 4 = 5. This leaves you with 15 cigarettes for the day (20-5=15).
  • Only carry your daily cigarette limit.
  • Only buy one pack at a time.
  • Draw a line in the middle of each cigarette, and only smoke to the line. This will help you reduce your intake by half. 
Cut cigarette in half (c) CancerCare Manitoba

On your quit date


  • Avoid smoking, even a little bit.
  • Throw away your cigarettes, other tobacco, and ashtrays.
  • Avoid the triggers that tempt you to smoke.


Believe in Yourself

  • Keep your reasons for quitting in a place where you see them every day.
  • Be positive. Follow the plan you have developed.
  • Remember that nicotine withdrawal symptoms are temporary.
  • Take it one day at a time. Focus on the short-term and long-term health benefits.
  • Celebrate your success by telling others how long you have quit and how it has made you feel. You deserve the credit!


If you slip up, DO NOT GIVE UP!

It will get easier each time you try to quit.