Coping with quitting

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Stress can effect smoking habits. Learning how to manage your stress can help you stop smoking. Plan to manage your stress in healthy ways like being active, being outdoors, or start a new hobby.

How to Cope with Cravings

Cravings are the most frequent and troubling side effect reported by people who are trying to quit smoking. A craving is the feeling when the urge to have a cigarette is not satisfied. When experiencing a craving, remember that it will pass. As you get further from your quit day, your cravings and the need to smoke will lessen.

Here are some tips on how to cope with cravings:

Remember the 4 Ds

Deep Breathing

  • Take a few deep breaths; imagine clean air entering your lungs as you inhale.


  • Self-talk may help; remind yourself the craving will pass.
  • Put yourself in a smoke free environment; spend time with friends who do not smoke, go to a movie.

Drink Water

  • Water will help to cope with many of the withdrawal symptoms.

Do Something Else

  • Distract yourself from smoking.
  • Do something physical such as going for a walk, bike ride, stretch, or take a shower.
  • Have a healthy snack such as vegetables or fruit.
  • Chew gum.
  • Use a substitute to keep your hands busy (e.g. toothpicks, pencil, rubber bands).


When thinking about a smoke free life, you could probably imagine certain situations, feelings, and people that  trigger you to smoke. Some triggers can be avoided. Some are difficult or impossible to avoid. It is helpful to plan how you can deal with difficult triggers. Think about triggers you have and what alternative behaviours you can use.

Trigger: TV

  • Sit in a different chair
  • Watch different shows
  • Multitask (for example, fold laundry)

Trigger: In the morning

  • Brush your teeth, shower, and eat breakfast as soon as you wake up
  • Exercise
  • Change your routine

Trigger: Driving

  • Take a different route
  • Deep breathing
  • Listen to music
  • Sing
  • Listen to audio books or podcasts

Trigger: After meals

  • Get up and wash the dishes
  • Use a mint or a beverage to signify the end of a meal
  • Brush your teeth

Trigger: Alcohol, Bars

  • Avoid
  • Limit number of alcoholic beverages
  • Drink something different than usual
  • Ice up or water down your drinks

Trigger: Boredom

  • Plan things to keep you busy

Trigger: Stress

  • Breathe deeply
  • Get active or change your activity
  • Talk with a friend

Trigger: Telephone

  • Doodle
  • Find something to hold other than a cigarette
  • Use a different phone or walk around
  • Limit phone calls