After months or years of smoking, cigarettes become a part of your daily life. You may light a cigarette out of habit as soon as you get into the car or when you drink a cup of coffee.
Smoking habits can also be formed by the way you feel – many smokers reach for a cigarette when they feel bored, stressed or angry. Even if you have been smoking for many years, you can learn to live without cigarettes. But it takes practice. It’s important to know your triggers and plan how you will deal with each of them before you quit.
You are highly addicted to nicotine and may benefit from a smoking cessation program including medicines for treatment of nicotine addiction.
You have a moderate addiction to nicotine; however, you may benefit from a smoking cessation program, with or without medicine for treatment of nicotine addiction.
You have a low to moderate addiction. You may benefit from a smoking cessation program; however, you are not likely to need medicine for treatment of your nicotine addiction.
Please answer all of the above questions
People usually have many things they would like to change in their lives – smoking
may be only one of those things. How important, confident, and ready you are
to change your smoking habits can depend on other things that are going on in
your life. Slide the blue circle along the bar to select the level to answer each question.
Some people choose to quit smoking because of financial stress. To determine how much money, you would save by quitting smoking, use our Found Funds calculator below.
The Readiness Rules can also be used to explore readiness to change other behaviours, such as healthier eating, exercise, or use of alcohol or other drugs.
Feel free to discuss this information with your healthcare provider.
Some people choose to quit smoking because of financial stress. To determine how much money, you would save by quitting smoking, use our Found Funds calculator below.