The Manitoba Tomorrow Project

Deadline Extended!

Due to continued interest in the Manitoba Tomorrow Project we have extended our enrollment deadline. If you are interested in participating, please sign up or contact our team soon so you do not miss out!

If you could do something to change the course of cancer,
would you do it?
Now there IS something you can do!

The Manitoba Tomorrow Project is looking for 10,000 people from all walks of life to be part of one of the largest studies ever undertaken to advance our knowledge about cancer and other chronic diseases.

People like YOU!


The Manitoba Tomorrow Project is part of a Canada-wide initiative called the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath). Our goal is to learn more about the causes of cancer and other chronic diseases over time.

How much time? 50 years! And here’s how we’re doing it.

We need people ages 30 to 74 to fill out a study package containing an Information Booklet, Consent Form, Baseline Questionnaire, and prepaid return envelope. That generally takes less than an hour. Then, we are asking participants to attend a 45-minute study appointment so we can get a sense of your current health. (The appointment is optional.) Then, it’s a matter of us periodically following up and checking in with you over the next 50 years.

It’s that easy! And it will help us connect to the human side of science, understanding more about how lifestyle, social factors, genetics and environment impact cancer and chronic diseases.

When it comes to research, did you know that…

  • Large population health studies are responsible for linking smoking to lung cancer?
  • A population health study connected obesity as a contributing factor to heart disease?
  • By gathering data from a large population segment over time, we can start to determine patterns and connect seemingly small details for breakthrough discoveries?
  • The data we collect will have a significant impact on the research community and could be used for thousands of studies for years to come?