Nuclear Electronics
Room ON0116
675 McDermot Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9
Phone: 204-787-2192
Fax: 204-775-1684
Senior Electronic Technologists:
Chris Stewart, CET Supervisor
Ken Allen, CET Supervisor
Electronic Technologists:
Glenn Allan, Electronic Technologist
Tony Jensen, CET
Brian Myslicki, CET
Neil Almario, CET
Joe Konopski (Brandon)
Nuclear Electronics is a department within the Medical Engineering Group of the Medical Physics Division. The department provides comprehensive service for major equipment in support of the Radiotherapy program at CancerCare Manitoba and the Radiology program in Manitoba.
We provide electronic service support for the Mammography, Chemotherapy, and Bio-Medical requirements of CancerCare Manitoba.
In collaboration with Clients, Manitoba Health and WRHA, we provide a competitive and professional electronic service in lieu of factory service contracts. The Nuclear Electronics service utilizes factory trained technologists to maintain and repair major equipment, such as linear accelerators and gamma camera systems within the Manitoba health care system.
In order to provide full service to expensive and complex radiation treatment equipment, Nuclear Electronic staff must attend extensive factory training and be Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission licensed. While also supporting most electronic devices used in the radiotherapy program, the department specializes in major equipment such as accelerators, cobalt machines and diagnostic equipment used to deliver the radiotherapy program.
Service for the Bio-Medical equipment within CancerCare is also provided through Nuclear Electronics. This equipment ranges from infusion pumps to small devices used in clinics. Having a large group of technologists servicing a broad range of major equipment allows for efficient servicing of many small devices in-house.
The department provides service for all breast screening equipment within CancerCare provincial screening program. This includes on site repairs within the province to mobile units.
The Nuclear Electronics service at CCMB has provided comprehensive service for the Gamma cameras and associated computer systems in the City of Winnipeg hospitals from the time of the modality's inception in Winnipeg.
The photo is of a typical Gamma Camera gantry similar in size and complexity to a CT Scanner. Combined factory training and years of experience enables the service the ability to provide complete in-house service in lieu of factory contracts. Having a group of service personnel with a well equipped shop also allows for efficient servicing of related nuclear devices and the fabrication of electronic devices or interfaces customized for the clients.
Bone density screening is a more recent modality and the equipment is closely related to Nuclear Medicine. The Nuclear Electronics service has used its Nuclear Medicine experience and additional training to be able to provide this service.
The Nuclear Electronics service is able to direct a portion of its total activities towards the development of specialized electronics devices for both research and clinical use.
Having an established service group with the facility and specialized tools available allows for in-house development of electronic devices not reasonably available to the programs supported.
The service has been able to acquire electronic development software and a computerized milling machine capable of producing complex circuit boards.
The photos on this page show a circuit board on the CNC and a completed automatic isotope delivery device designed and manufactured within medical physics.