Your Personal Health Information

CancerCare Manitoba manages your personal health information as set out by the Personal Health Information Act of Manitoba. Your information is collected and placed in the CCMB Health Record and Manitoba Cancer Registry in electronic and/or paper form. It is protected and helps us to care for you in the delivery, monitoring and evaluation of our programs. It also assists in research and planning related to health care and other uses authorized under the Act.

You have the right to view your health information, ask for copies and request corrections. For more information about your rights under the Act, please contact CCMB's patient privacy officer or call 204-390-6495..

You may fill out forms to release, access or correct your personal health information by clicking below on the links for forms. For assistance in filling out a form, please call the medical legal correspondent at 204-787-2266 or toll free at 1-866-561-1026.

Once the form is complete, please mail to:

CancerCare Manitoba
Attention: Medical Legal Correspondent
ON2092 - 675 McDermot Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0V9

Or you can fax the completed form to: 204-786-0185

Who Can See an Individual's Information?

PHIA permits CCMB to collect and use Personal Health Information and, in certain circumstances, to share it with others both inside and outside CCMB, without consent from the individual for purposes such as:

  • provision of health care
  • payment for health care which could include private insurers
  • to conduct health system planning and research
  • to report as required by law

Unless the individual tells CCMB not to, the health care facility can:

  • share general health status with family, friends and others upon request. If we believe it is acceptable to the individual, we may also share information about the care the individual is currently receiving with their family and friends
  • share the individual's name, general health status and location when they are receiving care in one of our facilities with a representative of a religious organization.
  • share the individual's name and address with a charitable fundraising foundation associated with a facility the individual has received care in
  • share the individual's personal health information with any health care provider who has, is or will be providing them with health care. Members of the individual's health care team are only allowed access to the information they need to provide the individual with health care. Unless the individual tells us not to share their information with a specific health care provider, we will not share their information with that provider unless permitted or required by law to do so.

HEALTH INFORMATION ACCESS AND PRIVACY - A Guide to The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) brochure.

The brochure provides information describing your rights to access your personal health information. This brochure can be viewed in English or French.

Individuals may tell a member of their health care team if you do not want your information shared with a family member or friend, or a religious organization, fundraising foundation or health care provider. These requests must be forwarded to the site Privacy Officer.

All CCMB employees and those associated with CCMB are required to protect the accuracy, integrity and security of all personal health information and are required to sign a pledge of confidentiality. CCMB has policies and procedures that provide protection of personal health information and conducts continued training for employees and all others associated with CCMB.

If an individual wants to know more about their right to see, get a copy or ask for a correction of their Personal Health Information or their privacy rights under PHIA, or have a complaint about their rights, they should be advised to contact the Privacy Officer located at the site where they are receiving health care services.

image of chart and stethoscope on laptop (c) ShutterStock

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)

As a consequence of the passage in 2016 of the revised Bill C-14, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) can be provided to patients with grievous and irremediable medical conditions that meet specific criteria. CancerCare Manitoba's MAiD policy and additional information about MAiD can be accessed through the following links:

CCMB MAiD policy

Medical assistance in dying