Diagnostic Pathways for Suspected Cancer and Blood Disorders

CancerCare Manitoba specialists from Disease Site Groups have developed evidence-based guidelines for physicians. Information is updated so visit this page regularly. These pathways are intended to provide clinical guidance on the work-up of suspected cancer and to demonstrate the most effective and efficient way for patients to get to diagnosis and treatment or to have cancer ruled out.

Please click on a link to view guidance algorithms by Disease Site Group, as well as supporting information for clinicians such as contact phone numbers.

If you have questions regarding the workup of suspected cancer or any other cancer-related questions, please contact:
Helpline for Healthcare Professionals
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Call or text 204-226-2262

Current Suspect Pathways by Disease Site Group

Breast Cancer


Click here for the most up-to-date hematology related algorithms